I live in Alpine, Utah. I have lived there my whole life. It’s a small valley surrounded by the Wasatch Mountains. My encounter happened when I was 19 years old. Right before I left on a LDS mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. There is a canyon no more than 10 minutes from where I live. It’s called American Fork Canyon. I was with two of my great friends, who also served LDS missions. I was about to leave for 2 years; I love the outdoors. So I wanted to spend the last couple of my days camping up American Fork Canyon with friends. It was Friday, June 27th 2008.
We found a place to camp a little bit, north of Tibble Fork Lake. It’s very peaceful and calm. It was getting dark and we just finished up fishing. My good friend Austin Hansen went to set up the fire. While his brother Alex and I went to the river below to clean off the fish. I remember Austin later that night telling us he saw SOMEONE, walking in the brush by all our camping gear. He didn’t say anything; he just saw a big figure. He thought it was someone looking for something near our campsite.
We came back, and started cooking the fresh fish we just caught. We sat down, started talking about girls, our future. While we were talking we heard a faint eerie whistling noise. We didn't think much of it, maybe thinking it was some kind of weird bird in the trees. Maybe we had camped too close to its nest and we were bothering its family. It was a far off distant sound. At times it sounded like it was behind a bush, listening to us. The closer it got, there was also a weird smell that accompanied it. It also felt to all of us, that eyes were on us; curious eyes watching listening. As if we didn't belong in this area.
As we were getting ready for bed, I walked off maybe 10 yards to where we were going to be sleeping, to go to the bathroom. I thought I saw someone maybe 40 yards away. It was walking right behind two big pine trees and it stayed there no longer than 30 seconds later; then I heard a stick hit a tree 2 times but the sound was coming off the north east from where I was standing.
That’s when I saw IT! Whatever you want to call it but I know what I saw. I saw Sasquatch standing upright walking towards the tree. It was standing at least 7 feet tall not intimidated by any means. It looked at me or in my direction. My heart was pounding as the whistling noise got louder very loud. I ran back to camp, telling my friends what i just saw. They believed me telling me they felt the same way that is as if we were being watched. Austin told us of the event earlier seeing a huge man, walking away from our camp. We got our things together and ran to the car. That late Friday night and is something that I will never forget as long as I live.
Jerom Ray Patterson 2012

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