Bigfoot Encounters

Story, Montgomery County, Arkansas
August 2006 Lake Ouachita

Nearest highway or road: Arkansas Highway 27
Timber production and public recreation.

General Terrain Description: Mountains with steep bank and rock cliffs along the Ouachita River and its upper tributaries which are now part of Lake Ouachita. This part of the lake is surrounded by undeveloped timberlands in the Ouachita National Forest.

Witness Profile: The witness is a 37 year male who is the Manager of a restaurant in Hot Springs. He is an avid fisherman and fishes as often as possible. He is very familiar with the typical native animals that are frequently seen around the lake shore.

Activities of Witness Prior to Encounter/Incident: Witness had been fishing on the lake from his boat since early morning.

Details of Encounter / Incident: The witness was fishing along the banks of one of the coves formed by a small creek that enters the upper part of the lake. The area is uninhabited and no one else was fishing in the particular area. The hillsides are heavily forested and the shoreline of the cove is ringed with heavy brush that is from 5 to 6 feet tall. He had fished that part of the lake numerous times before as it was a favorite spot.

The witness was fishing along a steep bank when he saw a large animal standing erect behind the brush about 300 yards further up the cove. He at first thought it was a bear, although he had never seen one in that region. Wanting to get a better look at the animal, he started his outboard motor, and at trolling speed, he eased the boat along the bank toward the animal. The animal then detected his presence, wheeled around and started up the hillside. The witness quickly "gunned" the motor to get a better look at the animal. As the motor revved, the animal began to scream loudly as it broke into a hard run. The witness killed the motor and listened as the animal crashed through limbs and brush while it repeatedly screamed. Even after the animal was out of sight, the screams could still be heard for several minutes as it continued its flight from the lake.

Description of Animal: The man stated the animal was about 8 or to 9 feet tall and covered with light brown hair. (When the witness walked up the bank, he determined the brush was from 5 to 6 feet tall. He said the animal was about "three heads higher than a large man.) He stated the animal was at all times walking and running in a bipedal manner. He stated he was unable to provide a more detailed description of the creature because of the brush and timber.

Description of Related Sounds: As stated, the animal screamed repeatedly until it was out of hearing. The witness said he assumed the animal was screaming at him in fear as it crashed through the woods. (The reviewer suspects the sounds were made in anger after the animal walked from the hilltop to get a drink of water on a hot August day and was unhappy to find the man at his "watering hole".)

Other Details: The witness has told few people about the incident for fear of ridicule. He has returned to that area of the lake many times since the encounter, but has seen no tracks and has not heard any comparable sounds since his encounter.

Historical Notes: There have been scores of reports from credible residents of Montgomery County for over 150 years concerning these reclusive forest primates. From the sighting location described in this report to the headwaters of the Ouachita River, the area is generally very sparsely populated and the terrain is very rough and not easily accessible.

Report received and recorded by: CK, Field Researcher/Investigator, The RFP Research Project
(Reviewed 11-1-06 by THB)

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