Bigfoot Encounters

Tiny baby tracks found along side adult tracks,
March 13, 2009 - Location: Side Road going up
to the snow level off Indian Creek Road,
Siskiyou County, Northern California

Dr. Jim Karl of Santa Monica found a trail of tiny 5" tracks, showing 5 toes trailing in a straight line next to very large 16" Sasquatch tracks in Northern California on Friday the 13th of March. Allowing for snow-melt, the tracks may have been even smaller. Some of the adult tracks had no baby footprints next to the trail indicating perhaps the adult picked the baby up; seemingly putting the baby back down to walk here and there. Notice the stride of the adult tracks are close together along side the baby tracks perhaps indicating Mama was holding baby's hand while it learned to negotiate walking in the snow....which was melting and slushy. Jim said he drove up Indian Creek Road from Hwy 199 and started checking the Forest Roads as soon as he got up into the National Forest area at approximately the 3,500 foot elevation level, which was where the snowline started. He also found some very large bear tracks in the area, indicating not all bears were hibernating, probably a male...

The Bigger tracks below seemingly move gingerly along side the barely visible tiny tracks

And here, there is only a few baby tracks showing next to the adult track... (below)

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