Bigfoot Encounters


by Dmitri Bayanov

Ever new discoveries in paleoanthropology are exciting and welcome. The role of this science in humanizing and educating mankind is of special importance. Yet paleoanthropologists' total focusing on fossils and ignorance of evidence obtained by hominology is causing a great disservice to science.

Note the current items in the press:

"If we accept that the Indonesian hobbits are yet another distinct species—and the relevant community seems to be leaning that way—then it appears that there were at least four distinct hominin species cohabiting the globe in the very recent past."

"We weren't alone," said Todd Disotell of New York University, who was familiar with the new work. "When we became modern, we didn't instantly replace everybody. There were other guys running around who survived quite well until very, very recently."

“We think it’s normal to be alone in the world as we are today,” Dr. Tattersall said, and to see human evolution as a long trend leading to Homo sapiens. In fact, the tree has kept generating new branches that get cut off, presumably by the sole survivor. “The fossil record is very eloquent about this, and it’s telling us we are an insuperable competitor,” Dr. Tattersall said. Modern humans’ edge over other species probably emerged from their ability to process information: “We can invent alternatives in our heads instead of accepting nature as it is,” Dr. Tattersall said.

No, Dr. Tattersall, it's NOT normal for Homo sapiens to be alone in the world, if you accept Evolution. In evolutionary terms, there is no less, perhaps more, reason for non-sapiens hominins (hominids) to be today with us than for chimpanzees and gorillas. Being so sure of Homo sapiens survival ability, are you being logical in denying this ability to our close hominid relatives? When we became "modern", we not only didn't instantly replace "other guys running around" but worshiped them as gods over tens of millennia because of their edge over us in the wilderness. The ever repeated assumptions, turned into convictions, of the other hominids total extinction are based on IGNORANCE, not facts and knowledge.

Paleoanthropologists ignore Darwin's views on the question of species extinction: "No fixed law seems to determine the length of time during which any single species or any single genus endures," and "the utter extinction of a whole group of species has sometimes been a slow process, from the survival of a few descendants, lingering in protected and isolated situations" (The Origin of Species by Natural Selection, 1929, pp.280 & 299).

They ignore the views of a prominent paleontologist on the same question: "It is always necessary to remember the incompleteness of the geological record. The first appearance of a given species in the geological record and its disappearance from the latter can in no way be taken for the dates of its origin and final extinction. The real life span of a species (or a group of species) is usually much longer than the period determined from the geological record. Consequently, the dating of the extinction of a form or a group is not as simple a matter as may appear from the frequent citing in the paleontological literature of extinction dates for various organisms" (L.S.Davitashvili, History of Evolutionary Paleontology from Darwin to Our Days (in Russian), 1948, p.486).

They ignore the lesson of the coelacanth survival, the fish formerly known only from the fossil record and thought to have been extinct for sixty to seventy million years.

They ignore the origin of the terms Homo sapiens and Homo troglodytes, that is the Linnaean contribution to anthropology and his founding of primatology, which was banned after his death. In 2003 I wrote: "One of the great scientific results of the 20th century was the discovery of relict hominids (homins, for short), popularly known as Abominable Snowman, Yeti, Yeren, Almas, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, etc. Actually, it was a re-discovery by hominologists of what had been known to western naturalists from antiquity to the middle of the 18th century, when wild bipedal primates were classified by Carl Linnaeus as Homo troglodytes (i.e., caveman) or Homo sylvestris (i.e., woodman). As for eastern scholars and rural populations in many parts of the world, they have always been aware of wild hairy bipeds, known under diverse popular names".

Paleoanthropologists, along with the rest of scientific community, ignore the abundant evidence, including a documentary film, put together over half a century by hominologists, whose work is "blessed" with academic cover-ups. Specialists, ignorant of hominology, have usurped the role of judges on these matters in scientific journals and mass media, which is detrimental for truth and progress in science. But truth will out, and the shock and derision these judges will get will be well deserved. With due respect for their discoveries in the ground, paleoanthropologists will suffer for their divorce from life on the ground.

Dmitri Bayanov
International Center of Hominology
Moscow, Russia
April 2010

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