Bigfoot Encounters

"Around the Region"
© Tribune, Lewiston, Idaho

August 29, 1992 -- Lewiston, Idaho Tribune --

"B.I.A., Investigates report of Bigfoot Sighting "

LAPWAI, IDAHO AP Wire -- Authorities from the Bureau of Indian Affairs Friday investigated yet another report of a Bigfoot sighting. "We weren't able to confirm anything," said William Aubertin, supervisor of criminal investigations. He said two B.I.A., Officers scoured the hills west of town for about three hours but "drew a zero."

Nonetheless, Tess (Greene) Sherman said she and at least three other people saw a very large black creature moving rapidly uphill through farm and grazing land.

"It was all back and it was huge," Sherman said. She said her family was having dinner in town when they made the sighting. She and three other people drove in a pickup truck to get a better view.

"It stopped and looked at us," Sherman said. "We tried to cut it off, but I didn't want to go through with it. I was scared." Sherman, 29 works for the Nez Perce Tribe.

Asked if she thought it might be a hoax, Sherman said, "No way. It was going up that hill way too quickly. Any ordinary person couldn't walk up that hill that fast."

Sherman said she was skeptical after initial reports of Sasquatch sightings here some three weeks ago. "But after yesterday, I believe it."

"There is one out there, " she said.
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