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Tulare County, California
Sequoia National Park, bordering King's Canyon

The Closest landmark was the General Grant Tree. I was hiking at 11:00 pm after dark with only a flashlight when I saw a running creature that was short, between 4.5 and 5 feet tall. It was thin covered in hair, not fuzzy fur but more like actual hair covering it's body.

The eyes seemed close set and the ears were small. The neck looked stiff as the thing quickly glanced at me, it had to move its who upper body to look at me. The hair was brown or maybe black. I couldn't really tell because it was late at night and I was scared, lost in the campsite and just wanted to leave.

I looked over because I heard something running it was this creature, not a deer. It made grunting sounds, probably because it was running and breathing hard. I just wanted to say that I really did see a Bigfoot or whatever it's called. I went to the Ranger Station and they told me Bigfoot only lives in storybooks but I really saw this creature and I'm going back next year to look again, this time taking a camera. Please reply to my email and tell me you don't think I'm crazy too.

Yvonne Moreno.
Palmdale, California 93550

With grateful appreciation, this report was logged and generously shared by Andrew & Stephanie Peterson. Andrew is Co-Director of the Washington State Sasquatch Search Group along with George and Sheri Kelley. Visit their website at:

Their first videotape has been recorded showing fine examples of their field work in the State of Washington and is available to the general public and researchers as well. I've reviewed their work and it is worth watching. To obtain your copy, email or write:

Andrew Peterson,
WSSSG Videotape
P.O. Box 2198
Aberdeen, Wa. 98520

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