Main Page State by State sightings

Oglethorpe County, Georgia
October, 1986, 6:00 am

Hwy 77 near Maxey, Georgia in the Oconee National Forest; rolling hard wood hollows and thickets.

There was a nearby creek. The first creature was black and approximately 8 and a half feet tall.

My son saw the second creature, it was a dirty brown and roughly seven and a half feet to 8 feet tall. No further description, or story, two simple sightings by father and son.

We were in a hunting club of 1,000 acres that bordered the Oconee National Forest. I was in a bow stand that was about 10 ft up that overlooked a creek. Cows were on the property and it came down the same cow trail that I came down. It was about 8 ft tall and very huge.

I thought it had a parker pulled over its head, but as it got closer I threw my scope up and looked it square in the face and realized that it wasn't a human and that was the crown of its head.

It had a broad nose and hair started just under its eyes. It looked like an adult in its prime. It wasn’t matted or anything like that. I didn't smell anything because the wind was blowing from east to west and it was traveling south towards me.

When I threw the scope up , it picked me up and froze just long enough for me to see its face and it turned and went back north and stepped over a 5 ft fence back into a swamp.

My son had a brown one that looked to be female and was very matted come up under his stand and grunt like a hog. I heard it and went to check on him and it scared him so bad that he wouldn't go back to the property again.

Report a Sighting Webmail, December 27, 2000

Names withheld.