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Tay Nguyen, Vietnam

In the years 1977-78 Mr Tran Hong Viet had the opportunity to examine the fauna of Tay Nguyen. In the course of this he told people stories about the forest man. After people listened to these stories some Thai people told him they knew such creatures and they led him straightaway to another such set of footprints which were clearly preserved on a narrow path leading over a mountain, at the base of which was a valley which nobody had ever visited. Mr Viet took a plaster cast of this footprint after having photographed it. This cast is still in the collection of the Pedagogic University of Hanoi No 1.

Professor Vo Quy, Director of the Centre for Environmental Studies (CRES), says "Indeed I have for a long time believed in the forest man in Vietnam. Unfortunately we do not have the financial means to look for it. According to the newest information teams of scientists will come here with zoologists primarily from Japan, Russia and America. They will go to Tay Nguyen to continue the search for forest man. We hope that the question of whether or not there is a forest man will soon be clarified."

Source: Thieu Nien Tien Phong, 1996, Xuan Binh Ty: 8-9 ©Xuan-Quang.