Main Page State by State sightings

October 21, 2006 -- Kalamazoo County, Michigan

Out of our past - 25 years ago today, 1981:

Is "Bigfoot" stalking the swamps and woods of the **Fort Custer Recreation Area? A hairy, 9-foot-tall creature has been seen again near the Kalamazoo River in the state recreation area.

It's been seen in several spots at different times. Bigfoot observers now include the supervisor of the recreation area, a Michigan State Police trooper, an elderly angler and an author.

[excerpt from: http://www.battlecr eekenquirer. com/apps/ pbcs.dll/ article?AID= /20061021/ LIFESTYLE08/ 610210307/ 1032]

**Fort Custer Recreation Area in Kalamazoo County, Michigan comprises 3,033 acres located between Battle Creek and Kalamazoo. The terrain is typical of southern Michigan farm country, with second growth forests and remnant areas of prairie. (Map Kalamazoo County below)