Bigfoot Encounters

By Dmitri Bayanov

Sighting in the Far North - Back in Timsk after his expedition, Georgy Sidorov learned of a homin sighting in the far north of Siberia, in July 1999. Following his field report, he informed me of the event by letter.

A party of geologists, three men and two women, engaged in prospecting, pitched camp at the foot of a low hill, near a nameless lake in the tundra, 45 km from the Byrrang Mountains in the Taimyr Peninsula, which is the northern most projection of Siberia. Their two tents stood on dry ground on the bank of a brook flowing into the lake.

That day, four expedition members had gone off prospecting, while one woman (who insists on remaining incognito) stayed at camp. Sitting by the brook She was sorting out and classifying the collected rock samples. As she told Sidorov, she was feeling warm and fine. It was about noon, July 10th. Suddenly she felt she was being watched. She turned and became stupefied. From the northern side of the hill, still covered with ice, marching towards her was a huge hairy man. For some time she was unable to collect her wits. Then she realized who it was but was unable to budge. Her carbine was by her side but she forgot about it. So she stayed put when the "snowman" came up to her.

The witness said his eyes looked human despite his overall beastly appearance. In her estimate, he stood about three meters in height and was covered with thick brown hair, almost black on the chest and back. His neck seemed non-existent, arms and legs very strong. She also remembered a flat nose with straight nostrils on a gorilla-like face, with a powerful lower jaw. But in spite of his frightening looks his eyes were not malicious.

He looked at her and chuckled. Then he circled her but never touched. "Had he touched me, I'd have died right away," she said. Then he squatted and started "talking" to her. She insists she heard sounds resembling human speech. "The voice was low and even pleasant,,, But mostly he "was signaling,, her not vocally but "with lips" (!?).

Having finished his short "speech", the snowman stood up, looked in the tents, touched the hanging linen, and went off on his way. The witness was unable to stand up from her collapsible stool until the arrival of her colleagues. Her legs simply failed her. Stammering, she told them of the event and although the tracks were clearly in view around the tents, she was immediately ridiculed.

"That's all there is to this regrettable story", concludes Georgy. "The hominoid himself attempted contact but the human failed to respond and show him hospitality .. If we'd ever had such a fluke!"

The story gives the hominologist a feeling of deja vu. As if programmed, the humans behaved in the usual way: the witness first stupefied, then ridiculed; others distrustful, ignoring the footprints...

The homin's character and behavior is also familiar: self confident, inquisitive, not deprived of a sense of humor (judging by his chuckling), non-aggressive when unprovoked. Of great interest and importance is additional information (to already existing) on the subject of vocalization resembling human speech. It touches on the crucial aspect of hominology and the origin of man. His "signaling with lips" seems apelike (has to be checked with primatologist).

What, to my knowledge, is unprecedented, is the region of the encounter. The Taimyr Peninsula is as far north as the middle part of Greenland, it's more northerly than the Kola Peninsula, the Chukchi Peninsula, and the whole of Alaska. That our hairy cousins survive at such inhospitable and chilly latitudes is reassuring enough. Stories like that will be repeated over and over again, until hominology turns from a Cinderella of science into a princess of primatology.

© Dmitri Bayanov, Moscow Russia

Photo courtesy Daniel Perez, California

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